Reiki Healing, EFT & Mindfulness

Reiki Healing and Mindfulness can be effective in symptoms including Fatigue, Sleeping Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Aches and Pains, Back Problems, Stress and more.... 

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki Energy Healing assists the body’s own natural healing processes, helping you to feel calmer and more able to cope with the challenges of life. is particularly good at reducing stress and alleviating symptoms of stress related illness.  

If you have never tried Reiki before, give me a call and I will arrange an introductory session for you. This session, which can be tailored to your needs, will enable you to experience the benefits of Reiki and ask any questions you may have.

Reiki Treatments

My Reiki Treatments can offer instant relief from the symptoms of stress as well as more long-term benefits of feeling more relaxed and revitalised. 

Reiki energy is all around us and can easily be tapped into once someone has received a Reiki Attunement or Reiju Empowerment. 

I am a fully qualified Usui Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher. 

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT, which is often referred to as Tapping, improves the flow of energy through the energy body by removing blockages. It has many benefits including helping you to release stress.

I am a fully qualified EFT Master Practitioner and member of the Guild of Energists.


Mindfulness is simply about choosing to live in the present moment and practising Mindfulness has been proved to have significant health benefits.

Mindfulness meditation can help you to explore some of the causes of stress in your life and reduce or eliminate the triggers which may be affecting you on a daily basis.

Although meditation is used by many religions and Mindfulness has been around for thousands of years, Mindfulness is not linked to any particular set of religious beliefs and anyone, no matter what their religious beliefs are, can integrate Mindfulness into their daily lives.

I trained in Mindfulness with the University of Bangor and am qualified to run regular Introduction to Mindfulness sessions, and full 8-week Mindfulness Courses.