My Healing Journey & Book


Why I Decided to write a book about my cancer healing journey.

The desire to write a book crept up on me slowly enough.  I had started to write on a few occasions, but I just couldn’t seem to decide exactly what I was writing about.  What the main purpose of my book would be.

That was before….

I started to feel that something was not quite right inside my body.  


September 15th, 2015, when I was told that I had breast cancer. 

Even before…

the 366 days of my healing journey. 

I had toyed with writing publicly about what I was doing at various points during my journey.  Thinking that perhaps I should write a blog.  

Instead, I resorted to journaling for my own benefit. Somewhere in my subconscious a little voice was telling me, ‘people are not going want to read about what you are doing’, ‘who is going to believe you?’ and ‘they will think you are crazy’.  I simply didn’t want to go there!

And more importantly before…

15th September 2016 when I received the ‘all clear’ from a thermal scan.  The feedback I had been waiting for!  The evidence that there was no longer any suspicious activity in my body. I had done what the doctors said was impossible! 

At that point I felt I had no option but to write.  I felt compelled to share my story with whoever needed to hear it.  I had found my voice.

I started slowly enough.  Simply recounting the facts as they had unfolded, from the time I was given my original diagnosis.  Upon reading what I had written, it all seemed so clinical, so factual and yet so bland.  Like I was writing a report for work.  

There was something missing in my narration of what had happened.  I looked at it with fresh eyes, realising that there was no soul in what I had written, no real emotion.  What was missing was the real me, and how I felt as my healing journey unfolded!

I then began to fill in the gaps with my true emotions, pouring out my heart and bringing my story alive.  

Eventually I achieved what, at points along the way, seemed as if it would never be completed, I finished telling my story. I sincerely hope that you find something within the pages to inspire you.  I wish you good health and much happiness, in your life.



When I heard the news that no-one wants to hear, my life was turned upside down. I wrote this book to share my healing story.

I am not telling people what to do, far from it, just that there are options available. My wish is to provide hope and inspiration to others who may find themselves on a similar path.


Healing Cancer without Drugs

One Day at a Time
