Reiki Drum Technique

Reiki Drum Technique is a powerful healing modality which has been scientifically
proven to aid deep physical, mental and emotional healing.

Reiki Drum Technique is a combination of Reiki and Drumming which has many benefits.  Those who participate in a Reiki Drum healing session experience physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy rebalancing, which produces harmony and deep relaxation.


My Reiki Drum Technique Sessions are the culmination of 15 years of Reiki energy work and two years of working with my drums, plus my coaching knowledge and experience. All this combined enables me to offer a unique healing experience. I am passionate about the results my clients experience as a result of their Reiki Drum Sessions.

Drumming has been shown in scientific studies to alter neuro endocrine and immunologic response in a recipient which results in the individual feeling a sense of euphoria and well being due to the brain changing from Beta to Alpha brainwaves*(1).  These studies have shown that cortisol levels and blood pressure readings are positively altered and natural killer cells are more active*(2).  It has also been discovered that Reiki Drumming helps to produce endorphins which assists in pain control.

 Reiki Drum Technique can also facilitate emotional healing when someone has experienced trauma in their life, which they have been unable to fully recover from. Reiki Drumming helps individuals to focus on ‘the now’, which releases the stress of holding onto the past or worrying about the future.

I am really excited about Reiki Drumming as it can be truly transformational. The drum works really well with the body’s own natural rhythms and the Reiki provides healing on all levels. I have found that Reiki Drumming is also the best way to share Reiki in a group setting. Please contact me if you have any questions.


*1 Barry Quinn PhD

*2 Barry Bittman MD of the Mind Body Wellness Center in Meadville

I have been working with Rhona for many years, every session she brings joy, silliness and light back into my life. Rhona is very intuitive and will often get the messages from spirit spot on to how i’ve been feeling. I love how before we journey through reiki drum, we will sit and have a chat, this is so important to me as l really long for spiritual chats in daily life, l think it’s important to ease you into the session before diving deep and Rhona does just that!
— Esme
An amazing session. The rhythm is trance-like and so calming. Rhona has a lovely energy which flows beautifully well with her drumming. Highly recommended.
— Penny

What is Reiki Drum?

One to One Treatments

Reiki Drum Healing Session - £65

Session Lasts for I Hour

These sessions are designed to offer healing to a particular issue which may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The drum beat helps to embed the Reiki energy into the recipient.


Reiki Drum Affirmation Embedding Session - £85

Session Lasts for 1.5 Hours

These sessions are designed to work with the recipient on a deep level to with a view to embedding positive affirmations to facilitate the abolishment of negative self beliefs.


Reiki Drum Journey Session - £85

Session Lasts for 1.5 Hours

These sessions are designed to help the recipient heal from particular experiences or situations in there life which are still impacting them in a negative way.


Please note that you do not need to know in advance which Reiki Drum session you need, as I can help you work through what is required. This will be based on your current situation, past experiences and other key factors.


4 Reiki Drum Healing Sessions for £200
(Value £260)*

It is recommended that you need at least four sessions to make a significant impact on your physical, mental and/or emotional wellbeing!

*Payment in full required before first session which much be taken in either August or September 2023.


Evening, weekend and distant healing appointments available

Take advance of my loyalty plan, contact me for more details

Rhona it was utterly beautiful, soothing and peaceful, colours and subtle shifts. Thank you
— Jo
Lovely sensations, very soothing, a bit like intensive day dreaming and chakra cleansing.
— Isabella
Thank you for another amazing session. It took me to a state of bliss. I literally was in an energetic sea of golden love. Much needed at this time. Wow deeply grateful.
— Nadege

Upcoming Reiki Drumming Events